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  4. OpenCampus Phase II/III guide to completing clinical procedural skills

OpenCampus Phase II/III guide to completing clinical procedural skills

For phase 2 / 3 students only.

Guide overview

  • completing clinical skills forms via the OpenCampus app
  • viewing forms online once completed on the app

This is a technical guide only. For essential overall guidance relevant to clinical skills / portfolio form completion, please refer to the clinical skills handbooks (available on the Blackboard Clinical Skills course) and phase handbooks (available on current Blackboard academic year courses).

Please firstly ensure you have read the following guide to install the app, sync forms, and troubleshoot sync issues; help page guide to the OpenCampus app.

Completing forms

Completing forms

OpenCampus app tasks iconYou will only be utilising the tasks tab from the app homepage menu to access all your forms. Please disregard the other icons on the homepage as you will not be using these.

The below example workflow refers to a Year 5 formative form. Clinical skills forms and app-based portfolio forms may vary in content and form fields to complete.

Example form completion
  1. OpenCampus app tasks iconLog in to the OpenCampus app on your mobile / iPad. From the app homepage menu, select the tasks tab.
  2. OpenCampus app tasks listYou will see a list of forms listed by form type. Select the correct type of form from the ‘my tasks’ list.
  3. You will be presented with forms ready to complete. Select ‘show all tasks’ to make any additional hidden forms visible.OpenCampus app tasks list
  4. Select a form and select ‘start’.OpenCampus app example formative form
  5. You will be presented with several fields to fill in. In the example in the screenshot, you would need to click on the first field to select the type of skill being assessed from a pop-out list. Your selection will populate the first field. Please click on screenshots to enlarge them.
  6. OpenCampus app example formative formDeclare if you have successfully completed a SIMsafe assessment by ticking the appropriate box and also manually enter text into the clinical location field.
  7. OpenCampus app example formative formHandover your device to the assessor to complete the rest of the form. The next section provides the assessor with essential written guidance on assessor requirements for completing a form. The assessor would then need to fill in several fields, such as if the outcome of the assessment was a pass or fail, or if verbal feedback was provided to you.OpenCampus app example formative form
  8. OpenCampus app example formative formThe assessor would then need to indicate their role from a pop-out list of roles and select ‘sign form’ to add a signature. They would then need to add their name and their email address and click on submit.OpenCampus app example formative form
  9. OpenCampus app success messageYou will see a success message to indicate the form has been successfully submitted.
  10. You must now ensure forms are successfully synced online and you can view them online.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure any forms are completed / submitted successfully from the app, and successfully appear on OpenCampus online. Please ensure you have read the following guide to install the app and sync forms / troubleshoot sync issues; help page guide to the OpenCampus app.

Additional guidance

  • An assessor must ensure their email address is in the format @hey.nhs.uk,@york.nhs.uk or @nhs.net.
  • Students can only complete a summative clinical skills form once they have completed the required number of associated formative forms. Please check these have successfully synced online before attempting a summative.
  • Please ensure you have selected the correct form type and placement where required, as this cannot be rectified online and you may have to repeat content.
  • Do not use emojis on forms as this will cause issues with syncing.

Viewing completed app forms on OpenCampus online

Viewing completed app forms on OpenCampus online

Viewing clinical skills forms
  1. Navigate to the online OpenCampus dashboard at the following link; https://opencampus.hyms.ac.uk/
  2. Select the OpenCampus menu in the top left-hand corner, next to your name on the homepage. Please click on screenshots to enlarge them.
  3. OpenCampus online dashboard tabSelect the dashboard tab below the OpenCampus menu. You will now see the dashboard homepage.
  4. Select the relevant type of form from the tabs listed on the homepage.OpenCampus online skills tab
  5. Select ‘view details’ to find a specific form. Click on the below image to enlarge.OpenCampus online clinical skills view
  6. OpenCampus online form selectionSelect the relevant form type from the drop-down list and select apply.
  7. You will then be presented with a list of forms for that form type. You can see their status listed alongside the title of each form. You can also select view, next to the form status to see the form in full, for complete forms. Click on the below image to enlarge.OpenCampus online skills forms view

Under the tab menu at the top of the page you can see a summary list of what the different status icons mean.OpenCampus online form status

Under the tab menu at the top of the page you can also see a summary tally of forms. The blue bar is a running total tally of forms completed by form type (when enough overall forms have been completed for a certain type of form it will tally here), the bars below break this down by form type. Please note, only forms that are ‘complete’ are tallied. Please click on the below image to enlarge.OpenCampus online tally of skills

When a student submits a form for multiple clinical skills (venepunture or cannulation), these will show as one form on OpenCampus online until they have been verified. They will then split and display as individual forms on the student dashboard.

Viewing app-based portfolio forms

Please refer to the following guides regarding app-based and browser-based portfolio forms;

OpenCampus: MB BS Phase 2 guide to the online portfolio and completing portfolio forms

OpenCampus: MB BS Year 5 guide to the online portfolio and completing portfolio forms

Updated on 04/02/2022

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