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Welcome to our ‘How to’ site!

Academics, professional support staff, clinicians and students will use a number of technologies and systems whilst working/studying at Hull York Medical School.

This site aims to provide a central resource for support and guidance on ‘how to’ efficiently use the systems and technologies deployed at the medical school. It includes guidance on the effective use of technology to enhance learning, teaching and assessment as well as the basic (but essential) IT information to help you get started when you join the school.

This ‘just-in-time’ resource includes a sophisticated search feature that allows you easily find the support resource you require. Should you not find the guidance you require on this site, please email help@hyms.ac.uk for further support.

We would welcome feedback on this resource and have included a ‘Was this article helpful?’ feature on each article. Please use this to give us some feedback on the quality of our support resources.