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  4. Create an Echo360 recording link in Blackboard Ultra
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  4. Create an Echo360 recording link in Blackboard Ultra

Create an Echo360 recording link in Blackboard Ultra

Guide Overview

Echo360 logoHull York Medical School logoThe Echo360 platform hosts Hull York Medical School’s teaching and training recorded content. Content can then be linked to in HYMS Blackboard Ultra. Any staff member with appropriate access can create links.

This guide will go through the following steps.

  • Step 1: Navigate to the relevant area in Blackboard Ultra and create an Echo360 recording tool link
  • Step 2: Click on the Echo360 recording tool link and link up your content (link a list of recordings or an individual recording)
  • Step 3: Navigate back to the Echo360 recording tool link and review the name, description and visibility settings
  • Optional Step 4: Reset your recording link
Create an Echo360 recording tool link

  1. Navigate to the location on the course or community where you wish to create a link. This example will show how to link from within a content folder. In other areas these steps may vary slightly.
  2. Click on the plus sign to see options for adding content.Ultra create content option
  3. Select the content market option.Ultra Content Market
  4. Echo360 plus sign A new window will appear with further options. Locate the tool named Echo360 Cloud and select the small plus icon in the bottom right-hand corner of that option.Ultra Content Market
    Ensure you select correctly

    Ensure you select the small plus icon in the corner and not the whole Echo360 Cloud option box. If you accidentally select the whole item, you will create a global link for the whole course that is not accessible via a single link in a content area. In such an instance, you will need to disregard what you have done and start all of these steps again. Do not worry about resetting / unlinking what you have done, just start back in the content area / folder in Blackboard Ultra and follow from the start of step 1 again.

  5. After selecting the small plus sign, you will then be redirected back to your chosen content area and will now see an Echo360 recording tool link.Echo360 link

Link up your content

Access to Echo360 content

For your staff instructor account to be automatically created in Echo360, please first view any existing Echo360 recording in any HYMS Blackboard course where you have staff access.

  1. After following step 1 you will then be redirected back to the content area you had chosen and will now see an Echo360 recording tool link. Click on the tool link to now link up a recording or list of recordings.Echo360 link
  2. A new window will appear where you will first need to select the correct term, course and section. This may be pre-selected if another link has already been set up on the course. This can be altered if your content is in a different location.Echo360Cloud link in BB Ultra, recording link options.

Echo360 terminology

One Echo360 ‘class’ contains one recording and the name of the ‘class’ is the same as the name of the recording. ‘Classes’ are organised in ‘sections’ within ‘courses’. In the screenshot above the course is MB BS 2022/23, the term is undergrad and the section is the Year 1 Foundations of Medicine block.  Another example might be the course HPE 22/23, term postgrad, section Assessment and Feedback.

The Echo360 content areas reflect those you have already viewed in Blackboard. If you do not see the course / section area you want to link content from, first view an existing recording from that Echo area in a Blackboard course, to see it appear as an option here.

You can now choose to link to a list of recordings or to an individual recording. Most HYMS Blackboard Ultra courses will link to individual recordings. However, some courses link to recording lists. For example, MB BS Phase I recorded lectures are linked to via recording lists for each block. Both methods can be used within a course.

Best practice when linking content

Once someone has viewed a recording they can also navigate away to the whole associated list of recordings from the same Echo360 section. Ensure when linking content that you are happy for users to navigate to the whole section from a recording / that access is appropriate.

Please only link up Echo360 courses / sections / classes to the associated Blackboard course / module areas and do not cross-link content from different areas, academic years or programmes.

A list of recordings

Choose to link to a section home if you wish to display a list of all the recordings in that section. Then select connect.Echo360Cloud link in BB Ultra, recording link options.Echo360Cloud link in BB Ultra, connect option.A list of all recordings will look similar to the below image. Users can browse the list and select a recording to watch.

Echo360 Cloud link in BB Ultra class list

Alternatively choose to link to a lesson if you wish to link to one specific recording. Choose the correct recording from the drop-down options that appear. Then select connect.

Echo360 Cloud link in BB Ultra class selection drop-down


Echo360 Cloud link in BB Ultra, connect option.




A link to one recording will look similar to the below image.

Echo360 recording

Review tool link settings
  1. Navigate back to the Echo360 recording tool link and review the name, description and visibility settings. The name is what students will click on to access the recording, so it makes sense to use the recording title, or the name of a block of study / a theme of learning for a list of recordings.
  2. Click on the ellipsis in the right-hand corner of the link (the three dots). Select edit to see all settings options.link settings
  3. Click on the existing name to edit this. It is also a good idea to enter a description. Finally review visibility settings and select save.Settings options
Reset link

If you have not selected the right recording / recording list, you can reset the link and go through the selection steps again.

If you have set up a link to a list of recordings, navigate to the view of the list to be able to reset with the following steps.

Echo360 Cloud class list

If you have set up an individual recording link, firstly click on the course/ section name of the recording from the top right-hand corner (where it says MB BS in the example image below).

Individual Echo360 recording

See the below highlighted area on the zoomed in image below.Individual recording You will now also see the overall list view of where your recording sits.

Echo360 Cloud class list

Click on Reset LMS link. This will be located in the top left-hand corner of the list. Accept the warning message that appears by clicking on ‘ok’.Echo360 LMS link resetThis will reset the individual link you have set up and allow you to select again your content. Reset link options in Echo360

Do not click on Unlink LMS Course

Echo360 reset LMS courseDo not click on Unlink LMS Course. You will unlink all links set up by yourself and anyone else for that whole Ech360 area. These will all then be broken and need to be manually linked again.

Please contact the Learning Enhancement and Support team at help@hyms.ac.uk if you need further assistance / a one-to-one training session, or are unsure of how to complete any of these steps.

Updated on 29/10/2024

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