This article will explain how to create content in a Blackboard Ultra course. You can add learning resources and activities to the Content area of the course.
Adding/Creating Content in Blackboard Ultra
Follow the guidance below to add/create the following content types in Blackboard Ultra courses:
Create a Learning Module
You can use learning modules in your course as containers for organised collections of content (documents etc). Students are able to navigate the order of the contents through the forward/backward arrows in sequence (without distraction). Alternatively, you can allow students to explore the content in a learning module in any order and at their own pace.
To create Learning Module, follow these simple steps:
- Hover your mouse where you want to add a folder and click the plus icon > Create.
- In the Create Item panel, select Learning Module from the list.
- Click the pen icon and give the Learning Module a name.
- When Learning Modules are created they’re hidden from students. You can change the visibility to ‘Visible to students’. You can also enable ‘forced sequencing’. This means students will access the content of the Learning Module in sequence.
- Add a description to help students understand what content the Learning Module contains.
- Click Save once you have made the changes.
Watch the video below on how to create Learning Modules in Blackboard Ultra courses.
Create a Folder in Ultra
You can use Folders in your course as containers for organised collections of content (documents, links etc).
To create Folder, follow these simple steps:
- Hover your mouse where you want to add a folder and click the plus icon > Create.
- In the Create Item panel, select Folder from the list.
- Click the pen icon and give the Folder a name.
- When folders are created they’re hidden from students. You can change the visibility to ‘Visible to students’ or you can set ‘Release conditions’.
- Add a description to help students understand what content the folder contains.
- Click Save once you have made the changes.
Create a Document in Ultra
A document (or page) allows you to present accessible, mobile friendly content to students. You can add text, images and files to a Document. You can add as many blocks and files as you want.
To create Document, follow these simple steps:
- Hover your mouse where you want to add a Document and click the plus icon > Create.
2. In the Create Item panel, select Document from the list.
3. Now add content to your Document by selecting the content type.
Watch the video below on how to create Enhanced Documents/Page in Blackboard Ultra courses.
Upload a SCORM package to Ultra
You can upload a SCORM content package to an Ultra course and track your students progress through the content.
To upload a SCORM package, follow these simple steps:
- Hover your mouse where you want to add a Link and click the plus icon > Create.
- In the Create Item panel, select SCORM package from the list.
- In the SCORM Settings panel, select Upload SCORM package. Locate and select the SCORM package you wish to upload.
- Now select Save to upload the content.
- Once uploaded, you will see the Details & Information panel for the SCORM package. Here you can change the title of the SCORM package, set a due date and allow class conversations.
- In the Markings & Submissions section, select a Grade Category and the number of attempts allowed. If you have a number of SCORM packages in your course, you may want to create a Grade Category for them in the Gradebook.
- Select the Mark SCORM checkbox to add a Gradebook column for the resource.
- Now select you want to grade the learning object (SCORM pacakge). You have three options: Score, Completion and Satisfaction.
- Now select the maximum score the student can receive. By default, this is set to 100.
- Click Save to finish the upload. The SCORM package will be unavailable to the students at the stage.
For further guidance on how to upload and configure SCORM packages in Blackboard Ultra visit the Blackboard Help pages.
You can create a link to direct students to an external website or file.
To create Link, follow these simple steps:
- Hover your mouse where you want to add a Link and click the plus icon > Create.
- In the Create Item panel, select Link from the list.
- Click the pen icon and give the Document a name.
- You have the option to create a Web Link or Course Link.
- When links are created they’re hidden from students. From the drop-down menu, you can change the visibility to ‘Visible to students’.
- Type or copy the link into the Link URL box.
- Click Save to create the Link.
Discussion boards provide a space for student interaction with tutors and their peers. They can be particularly effective when used to facilitate reflective tasks and peer-supported learning.
Please see our Discussion Board guide for further advice on setting these up on Blackboard Ultra course.