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OpenCampus Phase II Portfolio: Educational Supervisor guidance

Guide Overview

This guide will provide:

  • an introductory explanation of the MB BS Phase II OpenCampus portfolio
  • how to access OpenCampus
  • the educational supervisor dashboard tab
  • the educational supervisor administration tab
  • how to complete a clerking form and the clinical placement review form from the administration tab

MB BS Phase II OpenCampus portfolio

OpenCampus portfolio

What is the portfolio?

OpenCampus is an online platform that provides an overall academic record and portfolio for MB BS students. It is also used for academic progression and the recording of clinical experiences and assessment, allowing students to build up a portfolio of skills and expertise, signed off by clinical supervisors. The primary purpose is to underpin students’ formative development and provide and document feedback from their clinical tutors. In addition, it provides a format to document progress and participation in the MB BS programme. Completion of the portfolio is the student’s responsibility and a completed portfolio is a requirement for progression, and to enter the end of year summative assessments (as outlined in the Code of Practice on Assessment and Examination). Tutors are responsible for completing entries in a timely fashion, with the student’s assistance, and students should expect honest feedback that can be used to help their development. This help page is a practical guide, staff should also read this in conjunction with the Phase II handbook (available on Blackboard).

Educational supervision and student progress

Educational supervisors are responsible for completing clerking forms and clinical placement review meeting forms (from the OpenCampus administration tab). Educational supervisors are also responsible for reviewing student progress in completing their portfolio forms throughout phase II (Year 3 and 4). Progress can be reviewed via the educational supervisor dashboard and administration tabs, and also via the clinical placement review meeting form (which contains links to progress on forms for the meeting). It is also the educational supervisor’s responsibility to raise any concerns / track student progress by liaising with the Hull York Medical School MB BS Programme Delivery team (phase2@hyms.ac.uk) or relevant Student Liaison Office, as appropriate.

Access OpenCampus through a web browser

To complete student forms you will need to access the OpenCampus platform from a web browser.

OpenCampus through a web browser

  1. Firstly, access the following link to log in to OpenCampus: https://opencampus.hyms.ac.uk/. 
  2. Authentication is via HYMS Office365 account details. Enter your HYMS email address (in the format hyxxxx@hyms.ac.uk).Then enter your HYMS password. *You may then need to authenticate with HYMS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).  Please see our help page regarding logging in at the following link; how to access OpenCampus.

Access to OpenCampus content

Please contact your Hull York Medical School SLO (Student Liaison Office) team for queries related to HYMS account creation, initial access to OpenCampus, and to clarify access to particular students in OpenCampus. The programme delivery team can also assist with this (phase2@hyms.ac.uk). Please also try accessing content in private browser mode to resolve common log in issues (see guidance below).

Log in issues

Please note, log in is via HYMS Office365 email account details. If you also have access to Office365 email via the NHS or another account, the system may incorrectly try and automatically log you in with those details. To avoid this scenario, please follow the below steps whilst in private browser mode.

  • In most browsers you need to navigate to the top-right corner of the browser, click on the three vertical dots and select; ‘New Incognito Window’ or ‘New InPrivate Window’ or ‘New Private Window‘.
  • In Safari, on File menu, click on ‘New Private Window’.
  • Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut combination Ctrl-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (macOS).

Please also avoid using Internet Explorer in general as you may encounter access issues / loss of functionality.

Educational supervisor dashboard tab

Dashboard tab

Student progress

The dashboard provides a global overview of student progress. You are able to see at a glance how the students are progressing with the portfolio requirements for the current placement.

  1. Once logged in, click on the OpenCampus menu tab in the top left-hand corner.
  2. Click on the dashboard tab that will appear underneath.

OpenCampus dashboard tab

  1. You will now see your dashboard homepage. Depending on the students you supervise, you will see a Year 3 students overview tab and /or a Year 4 students overview tab.

OpenCampus Year tabs


  1. The progress bar for each student will display the current placement. Click on view all to view other placements and associated progress on forms. A progress bar for each portfolio requirement indicates the number of activities the students are required to complete and their progress in achieving this target (see below).OpenCampus progress bar
  2. Click on a student username (hyxxxx) to be taken to an overview of their portfolio and to see detailed content for form completion.

Student progress bar

The dashboard will display a progress bar for each student and tally progress on the following portfolio requirements:

  • Case Based Discussion
  • Clerkings *action required on the form by the educational supervisor
  • Reflections
  • Clinical Supervisor Feedback
  • Clinical Placement Review Meeting *action required on the form by the educational supervisor

Students will complete these activities using the online system and the OpenCampus app. You will need to access and review the content of the portfolio whilst preparing for the Clinical Placement Review meeting. 

In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible for the programme delivery team to reopen web-based portfolio activities. Please contact the team directly at phase2@hyms.ac.uk for further guidance.

Educational supervisor administration tab

Administration tab

The administration section is where educational supervisors can complete clerking forms and clinical placement review meeting forms.

  1. Once logged in, click on the OpenCampus menu tab in the top left-hand corner.
  2. Click on the ES administration tab that will appear underneath.ES admin tab
  3. You will now see your administration homepage. You will see tabs for each type of Phase II portfolio form (if you have students from other year groups, you will see other additional form tabs). Click on a tab to browse student forms by type and status. Click on apply to see results.OpenCampus admin tab
  4. Clerkings and clinical placement review forms require action on your part. Other forms can be viewed in order for you to have a broader overview of student progress.

Provide feedback on a clerking form and complete clinical placement review forms from the administration tab

Clerking form

Once a student has completed a clerking, they submit the details on OpenCampus for feedback from their educational supervisor.

  1. Select the clerking tab from the administration page.
  2. OpenCampus ES action iconSearch for forms that need to be actioned by educational supervisor. The green arrow alongside these activities indicates a form needs to be actioned by the ES.

    If you cannot find student work under needs to be actioned by educational supervisor, select the ‘any’ or ‘complete’ search option in case another supervisor has completed the form and it is now marked as complete.

  3. Click on edit on a form. This will open the clerking form for you to review.
  4. Fill in the relevant fields. Make sure you enter grading and feedback.

    Please ensure that emoji characters are not entered into any free text fields on online forms (or student app forms). Forms with emoji characters may not successfully submit to the online system.

  5. When ready, select submit. You will see a final warning message; ‘this action cannot be undone and you cannot change the form later. Do you want to submit?’. Select OK.
  6. You will be redirected to the administration homepage and will see a success message at the top of the page stating that a form has been updated.
  7. Select the clerking tab again.
  8. Search for complete forms.
  9. The form will appear and you can view content. The student will also be able to view content.

Search for forms

You can search for forms that are;

  • complete (completed by the educational supervisor)
  • action required by student
  • non-complete
  • action required by the educational supervisor

Please also see the explanation of the status of forms underneath the tab for any particular form.

Clinical placement review form

At the end of each placement in the clinical placement review meeting, you are required to complete a clinical placement review form with the students you are supervising.

  1. Select the clinical placement review meetings forms tab from the administration page.
  2. Search for forms that need to be actioned by educational supervisor.

    If you cannot find student work under needs to be actioned by educational supervisor, select the ‘any’ or ‘complete’ search option in case another supervisor has completed the form and it is now marked as complete.

  3. The pencil alongside a form indicates a form needs to be actioned.OpenCampus action icon
  4. Click on edit on a form.
  5. You will be presented with a review of forms.
  6. Click through the tabs at the top to review student progress on portfolio forms. These useful links are provided to facilitate reviewing progress during the clinical placement review meeting. You can additionally view content from the portfolio tab.
  7. Fill in the relevant fields whilst in the clinical placement review meeting with your student.

    Please ensure that emoji characters are not entered into any free text fields on online forms (or student app forms). Forms with emoji characters may not successfully submit to the online system.

  8. When ready, select submit.
  9. You will see a final warning message; ‘this action cannot be undone and you cannot change the form later. Do you want to submit?’. Select OK.
  10. You will be redirected to the administration homepage and will see a success message at the top of the page stating that a form has been updated.
  11. Select the clinical placement review meeting tab again.
  12. Search for complete forms.
  13. The form will appear and you can view content. The student will also be able to view content.

It is important for review sessions to be planned in advance and to be completed before a placement has ended. In exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the programme delivery team it may be possible for educational supervisors to complete a review after the deadline. Please contact the programme delivery team at phase2@hyms.ac.uk for further guidance.

Search for forms

You can search for forms that are;

  • complete (completed by the educational supervisor)
  • action required by the educational supervisor (form awaiting sign-off during the meeting with the student).

Please also see the explanation of the status of forms underneath the tab for any particular form. See the below statuses for the clinical placement review meeting form.OpenCampus form status guide

Student guidance

Please also access the following link to the Phase II student guide to forms; OpenCampus: MB BS Phase II portfolio. This will provide you with a useful overview of all Phase II portfolio forms.

Updated on 12/04/2022

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