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OpenCampus Portfolio Phase I: Providing feedback on a Clinical Placement reflection form

This article will explain how to provide feedback on a Phase I Clinical Placement reflection form.

Throughout Year 1 and 2 of the MB BS programme, students are expected to complete a series of clinical placement reflection forms. These forms will be completed at the request of the clinical placement tutor in OpenCampus. Students must complete at least 1 clinical placement reflection per block.

Clinical placement tutors are expected to provide prompt feedback on the student’s reflection and performance in clinical practice. All clinical placement reflection forms will be closed 7 days after the end of the block.  Failure to provide feedback on a student reflection will result in it being marked as non-complete by tutor in the student’s portfolio.

Tutors are expected to monitor student engagement with the Portfolio and address any issues with their student group directly. If you have any questions regarding the Portfolio, please contact phase1@hyms.ac.uk

To provide feedback on a Clinical Placement reflection, follow these simple steps:

  1. My Tasks tab in Open CampusTo access OpenCampus in your browser navigate to: https://opencampus.hyms.ac.uk.
  2. Log in with your HYMS username (in the format hyxxxx@hyms.ac.uk) and password. Please see further guidance if required at the following link; how to access OpenCampus.
  3. From the OpenCampus menu select My Tasks. This page will display all the clinical placement reflection forms completed by students that are marked as Action required by tutor.

My Tasks homepage in OpenCampus

Please note that you will only be able to provide feedback on a Clinical Placement reflection form once the student has completed and submitted their reflection.

  1. At the top of this form, you will see the student’s details and their weekly reflection. Below this you will be able to provide the student with a grade and some feedback on their performance that week.
  2. You have the option to Save or Submit your feedback. If you Save your feedback you will be able to edit / add to this prior to submission. A saved form will have the status of Form in progress. Once submitted the form will be marked as complete in the student portfolio and removed from your Assigned Tasks tab. At this point the student will be able to access the grade and feedback you have provided.
Updated on 21/09/2022

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