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Learning Modules vs Folders in Ultra

This guide explains the difference between the two types of containers used to organise course content. In Ultra, Learning Modules and Folders are the two types of containers you can use to organise course content. Although the interfaces might look similar, there are key differences for the student experience.

Two-level structure

It is important to think about how you want to structure your course before adding content. The mobile first approach to the design of Blackboard Ultra courses means that you can only create two levels. Students won’t get lost looking for materials, and your content is easier to manage!

Once you have created two folders, you will not get the option to create a third.

Organising Content with Folders

You can create two levels of folders to organise your course content. To create a folder:

  1. Hover your mouse where you want to add a folder and click the plus icon > Create.
  2. In the Create Item panel, select Folder from the list.
  3. Click the pen icon and give the Folder a name.
  4. When folders are created they’re hidden from students. You can change the visibility to ‘Visible to students’ or you can set ‘Release conditions’.
  5. Add a description to help students understand what content the folder contains.
  6. Click Save once you have made the changes.

You can create folders inside other folders and learning modules. Remember though you are limited to two-levels. You can’t create a Learning Module inside a folder.

Organising Content with Learning Modules

You can use learning modules in your course as containers for organised collections of content. Students are able to navigate the order of the contents through the forward/backward arrows in sequence (without distraction). Alternatively, you can allow students to explore the content in a learning module in any order and at their own pace.

Watch the video below on how to create Learning Modules.

Updated on 24/02/2023

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