The Hull York Medical School Standards are intended to establish a minimum expectation of the use of a particular technology/tool and to ensure a consistent student experience across throughout Hull York Medical School.
The minimum expectation statements could be expressed as the lowest standard expected regardless of whether that particular technology is used to enhance, extend or empower students’ and their learning. It is particularly important that when you consider the tools you want to use e.g. quizzes, resources etc. that you bear in mind how it will develop students’ learning.
- Relevant information about the course is made available to students, this should include (where appropriate):
a. Assessment information (including marking criteria, deadlines, and the assessment brief)
b. Block/module guide
c. Timetable information
d. Staff contact information
e. Reading list
f. Plagiarism guidance and advice
g. Codes of conduct/practice
- Content (lecture notes, slides, handouts, narrated presentations etc.) is relevant, accessible, and up to date.
- Content is organised in appropriate course sections and folders eg Week 4 content resources are in the area for Week 4.
- Links to content are descriptive, consistent, and clearly identify resources.
- Content should be designed to be as inclusive as possible.
- Where appropriate, codes of conduct/practice should be made clearly available.
- The announcements tool is used to communicate important information to students.
- A welcome announcement should be posted at the start of the block introducing the block lead and the block.
- A welcome announcement should be posted at the start of the block introducing the block lead and the block.
Hull York Medical School has adopted electronic assignment submission, marking and feedback for all appropriate summative assessments. It’s important to provide students with details of what is expected and how to achieve positive outcomes.
- Links are available for electronic submission of assignments
- Instructions for submission are detailed and clear (including marking criteria, weightings etc)
- Dates are consistent with information in the programme handbook
- Instructions on how to submit are available for students (including accepted file formats)
- Where possible and relevant, past assignments or exemplar materials are made available to students
- Instructions on how students can access feedback are detailed and clear
Digital learning resources provide students with the opportunity to learn outside of traditional learning environments at time convenient for them. Digital learning resources could include narrated presentations, podcasts, PDF documents and online learning packages.
Content must be designed to be inclusive. Basic principles include users being able to:
a. Change the font size
b. Change the font colour
c. Change the background colour
d. Use a screen reader to read the content
2. Microsoft Office documents used within a module should be formatted to a consistent style and HYMS branded where appropriate
3. All materials made available to students are used legitimately and without copyright infringement.
4. Students are provided with guidance and advice on how to manage electronic content and files.
5. Students are provided with guidance and advice on how to submit documents in a preferred format.
There are many opportunities for students to collaborate using online technologies. Some of these are provided and controlled by Hull York Medical School, others are available online.
1. Instructions for the use of the activity or tool are available to students
2. Information about the availability of the information/content to a wider audience is made clear
3. Clear directions are given as to how students should contribute to the activity
4. Expectations in relation to the outcome of the collaborative activity are clear
5. Information about how the activity will be managed is made clear (i.e. tutor will check the contributions weekly, or students are working independently)
6. A designated person’s details are available to help resolve disputes, issues and/or provide support
Collaborative Online Learning