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Virtual Primary Care

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What is Virtual Primary Care (VPC)?

VPC is an innovative general practice based educational resource offering fly on the wall access to 150 diverse and real life primary care consultations recorded in Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol and London.

Every consultation has been tagged for clinical and educational content and is accompanied by a brief summary, associated learning points, references and suggested student activities.

Developed by the Medical Schools Council and the Society of Academic Primary Care Heads of GP Teaching Group, VPC has been designed to provide vital support to medical students training in a changed primary care environment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource uses video consultations provided by the award winning TV production company Knickerbockerglory (producers of the Channel 5 television series GPs: Behind Closed Doors).

Access to Virtual Primary Care

VPC has been made available to all HYMS students and tutors.

You’ll receive an automated emailĀ asking you to activate your account. The email will be sent from no-reply@outbound.medicalschoolscouncil.org.uk.

You can access Virtual Primary Care at the following link; vpc.medicalschoolscouncil.org.uk

The activation email may go to your email account spam / quarantine so please look out for this in your inbox.

Updated on 16/11/2021

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