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Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation

This article will explain Blackboards new Ultra Base Navigation. From the new navigation menu, you will get access to core features which provide a global view across all your courses.

What is Ultra Base Navigation?

Ultra Base Navigation (UBN) provides a more focussed entry point to Blackboard, designed with accessibility and mobility in mind. It will facilitate an improved digital experience for both staff and students. The benefits of Ultra Base Navigation include:

  • A more intuitive experience which is responsive on mobile devices and supports improved accessibility across different devices.

  • An activity stream which can be personalised, notifying users about upcoming events, submissions due or received, recent activity, new content in modules and announcements from courses and organisations they are enrolled in.

  • Consolidated information from all courses in one place displaying student grades and a calendar of activities. This improves the way you can navigate between courses.

Explore the sections below to learn more about the features of Ultra Base Navigation and how they work.

Institution Page (Home)

When you log into Blackboard you will be taken to the Institution page (Homepage). Here you will see links to other key systems and services available at the Medical School.

Activity Stream

The Activity Stream highlights key events that are coming up today and in the near future, as well as those that have recently passed, for all the courses you are enrolled on. It notifies you about announcements, due dates, marks and new resources all in one place.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Activity Stream in Blackboard.


In the Profile section, you can view information about your Blackboard account and configure your Notification Settings.

Watch the video below to learn more about the Notification Settings in Blackboard.


The Courses section allows you to view all the courses you are enrolled on. Blackboard courses are used for all teaching, learning and assessment curriculum content.  You can view your courses as a list (see below) or as tiles. If you click the star icon next to a course, it will be added to your Favourites. It will then be listed at the top of the courses page for easy access.


The Organisations section allows you to view all the organisations you are enrolled on.  Hull York Medical School uses organisations in Blackboard to provide students with generic programme information, resources and other content that sits outside the programme curriculum.  These are often referred to as programme areas.


The Calendar displays all the teaching events and deadlines for the courses you are enrolled on. You can switch between day and month view and filter by schedule (teaching events) and due dates.

Note: The Calendar only shows information within Blackboard Learn. Information from the HYMS timetable will not be displayed here.  


For instructors the marks area will show the assessment that needs grading. Students will see their assessments, feedback and grades. Clicking on an assessment item will take you to that assessment.

Updated on 04/07/2022

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