Guide overview
This guide explains the procedure for migrating your Personal files from your HYMS J:Drive to your HYMS OneDrive. Before carrying out this procedure we recommend doing some housekeeping on your J:Drive to delete any unwanted files prior to the move.
Sign into a University managed device with your HYMS account
In order to access your HYMS J:Drive you first need to login to a University managed device with your HYMS IT account details.
Accessing your HYMS OneDrive
Login to with your HYMS IT account details.
Once logged in, at the top of the page select the app launcher.
Then select OneDrive.
Select “My Files” – Then click “Add New” – Select “New Folder” – Give the Folder and appropriate name.
Opening your J:Drive
On the task bar click on the folder icon to open File explorer
In the left hand column select “This PC”
Your J:Drive will be displayed under “Network locations” as below
Open your J:Drive
The majority of your files are likely to be stored in The “Documents”, “Desktop”, “Pictures” and “Videos” folder plus any folders you have created.
For any Individual Files create a folder and move these files there.
Next – Either select the folders you wish to copy then drag them to the Folder you created previously in your OneDrive
In your OneDrive navigate to the the Folder you created previously.
Select Add New – Select Folder Upload.
Search your J:drive for the required folder and Click Upload.